Thursday, 9 January 2014

Last time at Chapter MovieMaker: January 2014

It was our fourth and final BFI Gothic-sponsored special screening.
It was Love Is A Devil.
All-Nighter - Darren J. Coles
The Music Takes You Home - Kiana Khosravizad

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Previously at Chapter MovieMaker: December 2013

This was the third of our BFI Gothic-sponsored special screenings.
It was Haunted Xmas.

Little Munchkin - Ryan Andrews
Joe Goddard: Taking Over - DOP Ryan Owen Eddleston
Bradford Animation Festival 2013 ident - Joanna Quinn and Les Mills
Dark Times - Peter Horn and Jared Marshall
Calm As The Colour: Windows Of Our Times Collide - Graham Neale
My Mother - Jay Bedwani
CIFF: Jingle - AJ and Ally Parkhurst
The Blues - Michael O’Connor
Santa’s Coming! - Aaron Fisher
When You’re Gone - Martyn Stallard and Manmade Platypus