Saturday, 7 May 2011

Last time at Chapter MovieMaker: cinematic history

This month's francophone intro got things off to a breathless start, and was shortly followed by the first sneak peek of the evening: a teaser trailer for The Audition from Clare Sturges. Then it was time for the feature attraction: Wales' first public screening of William Haggar's film Revenge for a hundred years, enthusiastically introduced and narrated by his great-grandson and biographer Peter Yorke. Next came another startling discovery from the archives: AJ's unholy union of Pray for Rain by Preacher and White Zombie, starring Bela Lugosi. Tensions rose with Red Letter, an expertly-shot piece of history from Edilberto Restino (courtesy of our friends at the WOW Film Festival) and the evening ended with a terrifying teaser for the appropriately-titled Final Girl, coming soon from James Plumb.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Screening: Monday 2nd May 2011

Bank holiday? Ha! 02/05 is the first Monday of the month, so we'll be in Chapter Cinema 2 watching locally-made shorts and talking about them as always. And this time, there may be cameras filming us. Here's the event page for you Facebookers.