Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Last night at Chapter MovieMaker: crossing lines

After an indulgent encore performance of the lynchian intro from our Greatest Hits night, things quickly got Hot Wet And Dirty with daredevil director David Newton, then Robb Howells introduced Smoke into proceedings and Catherine Cole even brought her Horse. After Jon Rennie uncovered Matthew Savage's Reign of Death, Ryan Owen captured Viktoria with Swanton Bombs and Ally Parkhurst decided to Have A Go. Alun D. Pughe teased us with a glimpse of The White Room, and yours truly urged everyone to maintain Secrecy.

And the Greatest Hits were ...

On Tuesday the 24th of November 2009 a whole bunch of you turned up for our special screening during Chapter's relaunch night. Thanks for coming! The programme is below - I tried to put together an entertaining selection that represented the breadth of films and filmmakers MovieMaker has featured over the years, but it shouldn't be taken as a definitive 'best of' list. There were loads of great pieces we were unable to include, many of which are featured on this very blog. Anyway, here's what we saw:

* Lynchian Intro
* Bad Company trailer - directed by Jason King
* Risen: The Howard Winstone Story trailer - directed by Neil Jones
* Die Zwoelfte Stunde - directed by Keri Collins
* Hollow Trees House Hounds - directed by Ewan Jones-Morris and Casey Raymond
* Mono - directed by Twm Gardner
* Untitled #1 - directed by Sophie Millien
* AJ's Best Bits - directed by AJ
* Around the World in 80 seconds - directed by Malcolm Boorer
* Anticipation - directed by James Plumb
* Is Elvis There? - directed by Neil Bebber
* Friend - directed by Keiron Self
* A Hard Day's Night of the Living Dead - directed by Ryan Owen
* The Perfect Film - Directed by Tom Severn and Simon Lawson